Date Word Received: October 31, 2022
For I, the Lord, this day am reminding My children that things are not how they appear to be around the world. So do not get discouraged. Do not be moved. Do not get in fear. Do not speak defeat. Do not worry or give in to discouragement.
My children, you are at a pivotal point in human history. I know it's hard to understand this, and for some, it's hard to see that anything will change. But I promise you, change is coming, and it will be an indescribable change.
A change that, for most people, will be hard to comprehend. For some, it will be too hard to accept. Not everyone will be excited about these changes. Not all of My church will be on the right side when I move My hand. Not all of My children will accept My Son. They will not accept governmental change. They will not accept economic change. Blinders are being removed, but it is their choice as to which they believe- their human reasoning and religion, or Me and what I am doing. A great change is coming that will cause a great separation in the world and in My church.
I have warned of this time, and now this time is upon you, My children. So get into prayer. Get into My Word like never before. Get to know who I really am, and I will give you peace and rest, and you will receive restorations. You will experience the God of breakthroughs in ways you never have before. So, My children, brace for change. Accept this change.
The Great Exodus is upon you, and everything will change suddenly. So prepare for suddenlies to start happening even when you least expect it. No one knows the exact day or the hour, but, My children, you will know the time and season, and the time has come. So change how you see the world today and change how you live your lives if they aren't for Me. My hand is moving now, so don't turn away. Run to Me and watch what I will do for thee, saith the Lord your Redeemer.
A major incident is about to take place in Westminster. Something no one saw coming, saith the Lord.
Magnitude: this word will be in your news for a significant reason.
Winehurst: I say this name again will be in your news for a surprising reason.
Something significant is about to be revealed in Ukraine. Many things have been hidden and covered up, and I am moving My hand to reveal it all. Putin is being used to stop something, My children, that you couldn't see. He is being used to uncover the heinous crimes these people were committing in this land. They were coming for you, oh United States, and your fraudulent government was helping Ukraine make this come to pass. An attack was planned against you, a sinister plot, but I have people in places you do not know about to stop these plans and these attacks against you. They will not have their way, and I am exposing it all before the world, saith the Lord of Hosts.
"Hunker down": this phrase will be used in your news for a significant reason.
Military action is about to be seen. Moves are being made to stop what is about to occur in this Nation. My children, stand and pray for this Nation, for its protection and deliverance from the hand of the wicked people you see before you. They are coming down, each and every one of them who stands before you and defies Me, saith the Lord of Hosts.
A hostage situation is about to take place. It's not how it appears to be. Look to this location because exposures are about to get to an explosive place. I am revealing it all, saith the Lord.
Keep your eyes on the east coast. Something significant is about to take place, and you will know it as soon as you see it.
Manheim: this name will be in your news for a surprising reason.
Heritage: this word will also be in your news for a surprising reason.
"The Biden”: is about to take a fall, literally, on live TV once again. This will signal to you his final fall from his seat of power, saith the Lord.
Rhine: this name will be in your news for a significant reason.
The waters are moving, My children, to reveal things that have been hidden.
A dog will be in your news, and the reason may surprise you, but it will signal something about to take place in your leadership.
Something is about to happen to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer. This blow, they will not survive and will not recover from it.
Major changes are coming to this fraudulent government that they will not be able to handle. Watch them lose and watch them lose their minds. They will make desperate decisions in the coming days. What they are saying will be recorded, and their treasonous acts will be stopped. They will not succeed in their plans against you, oh United States.
Watch the markets tumble and crash. Watch the shortages- they become much worse, it will appear like. Watch fear hit your enemies. They will not be able to hide it anymore. They will try to lie about the markets. They will try to lie about the elections. They will try to lie about the shortages, but some will accidentally slip on live TV and speak the truth. The world will begin to shout liars, thieves, and murderers and will demand their removal.
My children, I let them take center stage to let them fall on center stage. Their fall is coming, but it's not how you think it will take place. It will be much bigger than that.
Stand your ground. Stand on My Word, and stand with Me. Things are shaking, and things are changing for your good now, saith the Lord your Redeemer.