Date Word Received: November 16, 2023

Watch video - published December 1, 2023

Enemies of Almighty God, I say, woe to you. Woe to you and what you are about to do. Woe to you and the death it will bring to you. I have warned you. I have warned you to back off. I have warned you to stop what you are about to do, but you want to go through with it. You want to go forth. You want to do it. But I say you will not. 

I say that I am the defender of the United States of America. I defend this Nation. I defend the Nation of Israel. I defend them, and I never sleep or slumber. I see what you are about to do to raise the death toll, to bring such destruction and chaos, but I will not let you go through with what you are about to try. It will not happen because I am standing between you and My Nations. 

I am standing between you and what you are trying to do to bring war, chaos, and destruction throughout this world. You will not have that virus. You will not destroy the population across the Earth. You do not have the power to stay in power. You do not have the power in this hour. 

I am going to expose each and every one of you. I am going to expose all of your secret hideouts. I am going to expose every place where you are storing death sentences for people- the viruses, plagues, and pestilences. I am going to expose what you are doing while people are unaware- with the medications, food, air, and soil. I am going to expose all the things you are doing. You will see My hand smite you. You will see My hand devour every single one of your plans. 

Obama, you are not in control of My Nation. You are not in control of the nations around the world. No, you are not. And judgment is about to come to you, a judgment you never thought you would ever go through. You will be in torment and torture. You will be exposed, even though you thought you had hidden all your dirty secrets and all your plans. You have hidden all these things, but I tell you, I will expose you mightily. You will not have death in this Nation, and you will not have the death of this Nation. 

You and all who are with you, you are through. Do you hear Me? All who are with you are through. Obama, I am going to show the world every dark and evil secret you have hidden. I am going to show all those who put you in the position you were in, and I am going to show all the things you have already done to My Nation. 

I am going to expose to the world how illegitimate you were and how illegitimate you still are. Do you hear Me? You are illegitimate, so every law you passed, everything you have done to cause damage to My Nation, the first two terms of your presidency that were illegitimate, and the third term you supposedly have now will all be wiped out in a day. 

Oh, United States, awake, awake now, awake now. The enemies have a plan. They have a plan to stop your next election. They have a plan, oh yes. If the replacement of "the Biden" and Harris does not go as planned, they have a plan in place, their plan B, you would say, to stop the 2024 election. They have evil things on the horizon. Yes, they have many evil things on the horizon that they want, but they do not see Me, and they do not see My plan. And they are not counting on Me because they think I am dead. 

Well, I am about to show them how alive I really am because I am a God. I am alive, and I will always be alive. I am not dead. So, My children, as My hand is moving, as you see judgment, as you see the weather become extremely unusual, both good and bad, and when you see the markets (shake) or things becoming so restrictive, don't fear because I am near. 

Your victory and your celebrations are closer than you realize. They are already yours. You have them now. So, do not stop. Push them back. Push them back. Push them back and resist. Resist the devil, and he what? He must flee. Resist these enemies. Resist their plans. Resist their power. Resist, and they must flee. 

This is your time of a great jubilee. This is the time of great movements you are about to see from Me. Great shock and awe are about to take place. So, arise, My children. 

In the face of evil, you will rise higher than it. You are not going to just survive; I have you to thrive through it all. You are the head and not the tail. You are the above and not the beneath. Do not ever expect or accept limitations.

Receive My Glory. Receive that I am alive. Receive Me this day, saith the Lord. 


