Date Word Received: November 14, 2023

Watch video - published November 14, 2023

For I, the Lord, this day say to My children, know Who I am. Know Who I am this day. Know Who I am when you pray. Know Who I am, that I will not leave you. I will not leave you, I say. I will not forsake you in this hour because I have told you this is the hour of power. 

My children, I have been warning. I have been preparing your hearts for what is about to take place. Something significant is coming down the pipeline, you would say. Something significant is about to break forth, break out, and break through the evil that has been holding you. 

This is the hour and the time, My children, when you will see My hand move in a way that no other child of Mine has seen. You will see judgment. Yes, you will. You will see judgment against the enemies of Almighty God. You will see them removed. Yes, you will see them fail at every attempt and every war against you. You will see them fail in trying to bring chaos upon you. I said you will see them fail at everything they want to do against you financially, everything they want to do against you spiritually, everything they want to do against you. And I will say it again. I will repeat Myself over and over again. 

So, My children, believe the Word of the Lord and believe that your enemies always lose. Your enemies will always fail. They will never have their way. I say this day, your enemies never have their way. 

Your enemies are about to make a move I disapprove of. They are about to make a move against you, oh, United States, in a way you never thought possible. They are about to do something to you that will grip this Nation like nothing has before. They are about to do something to you that, to them, is their final kill shot, the final breaking of the United States of America. This is their day, and this is their time, they think. But they have noticed that fear has grown in their camps. Confusion has grown. And failure in their plans (has grown) like never before. 

My children, even though you may not see it all, your prayers are going forth. You are obeying and speaking out the Words I have given to you. You are in agreement with Me. Those words are going forth and bringing great catastrophe to the enemies of Almighty God. That is why I have told you to hold the line. You hold the line of defense. You hold the line and push back. Push back. Push them back. Hold them back, My children. 

My Angel Armies are working for you, and there are more of My angels than there are of your enemy. There are more of you than there are of your enemy. You hold your head high this day and every day, knowing that the Great I AM, the Creator of Heaven and Earth, goes before you. Your enemies scatter before Me. Your enemies are scattering and fleeing in multiple directions. 

I have told you over and over again that My Nation will rise again. My Nation, the Nation of Israel, will rise out of the despair that the enemies are trying to put on them. Hamas, Hezbollah, every other evil company with them, and every evil government that has been against My Nation of Israel, you will see fail, and you will see them fall hard. You will see that I am the defender of My Nation and that I have not forsaken them. 

You will see storm upon storm come against your enemies, oh Israel. To My children in My United States of America, the storm is hitting. The storm is fierce. The storm is strong, and the storm will not only cause destruction to your enemies, but it is also causing a cleansing in My Body with My children. So, I say, awake, awake, awake this day. Awake, I say. 

For the enemies of Almighty God, I speak to you this hour and this day. I said, enough is enough. You will not hold My nations. You will not destroy My children. You will not deceive them with all your narratives and evil governments because your governments are scattering. Your governments are falling, and your governments are failing. They will not have their way because I am removing each and every one of you, and I am putting in places of power those whom I have chosen in this hour. 

Oh, for what you have done against My David, people will laugh and mock you, for they see the truth and how fake everything you have done against him is. When you meant to break him, I built him up and made him stronger. People are waking up, and instead of turning on him, more are going toward him. 

These are the days of Haman. Enemies of Almighty God, I have warned you. Whoa to you who are against Me. You will not have the terrorist attacks that you want and desire on My nations. You will not have the war on this soil that you so desire to stop this next election. Enemies of Almighty God, you cannot stop Me. 

I don’t need an election to bring back My David. I don’t need an election to save My Nation. And I don’t need an election to remove any of you. That is man’s way of doing things on Earth, but it is not Mine. I am a supernatural God, and I do things in supernatural ways. My David is coming back. He is coming back with a vengeance because I am with him. And treason, treason, treason will be exposed to a scale that no one ever thought had taken place. 

So, My children, hold on. The exposures you have seen are wonderful, yes, but they do not compare to what is coming. Hold on because the more the evidence comes out, and the more these exposures happen, the more desperate your enemies are getting. 

Trust in Me, and you will see. Trust in Me, and you will see the nations rise again. You will see your freedoms. You will experience freedoms you never even thought were humanly possible. I will reveal to you the oppression, the slavery, and the bondage you have been under while thinking you were living a normal life. That was evil’s normal. That was not Mine for you. 

Don't look back. Move forward. Move forward with Me for this great and mighty Jubilee. I am restoring the years. I am restoring what they have stolen. Yes, I am. You do not have to wonder how. Just know that I am the God Who does what I say I will do because I am faithful, and I am true. 

So, hold on, My children. Breakthrough, breakthrough, breakthrough is coming like never before. So, break out of the chains that have been holding you. Break out of the things that have been keeping you down. Break out in My Name. Break out with Me. Worship and sing, and remember, that destroys the power of the enemy. Trust in Me this day. Trust in My way. Trust in My love. I am the Deliverer, and this is the hour and the time of deliverance, saith the Lord. 


