Date Word Received: August 8, 2023 (Second Prophecy)
Watch video - published August 10, 2023
For I, the Lord, this day, am telling you, My children, shout to expose (it all). Expose every lie. Expose every person. Expose all the corruption. Expose all the stealing. Expose all the money trails. Expose all the foreign business deals. Expose all the insider trading. Expose all the bribes. Expose all who are against us. Expose all those against our freedoms. Expose all those against the truth. Expose all who are against our Nation. Expose it all.
Shout this, My children, and realize the power you have in your words. Do you not remember that I created the world with words, and you have been created in My image? So, use My Words against their lies, against their oppression, against the globalists, and against their reset.
My children, shout now. Unite now. Stand now. Arise and awaken now to the truth to totally set you free today. I am on your side, and with Me, there is no fear. With Me, there is no weakness because I am your strength. So, rise up today, children of Almighty God, take your place of great authority on this Earth, and watch all this before you disappear, saith the Lord.
More whistleblowers are coming to expose Hollywood more and more. More will be told about the great evil they have done in darkness and behind closed doors. But now those doors are closing in on them, and the truth will destroy everything Hollywood stands for.
You will be shocked about a certain actor and actress who took part in many evil things in Hollywood and how they committed this evil in this Nation and against children, freedom, and the truth.
The days are coming for Hollywood to fall, a fall so great it will never be the same.
A great judgment is coming to the entertainment industry, one no one would have dreamed could take place.
A great cleansing is coming to Hollywood and the entire entertainment industry, and it will shock the world.
Exposures and whistleblowers are coming out against the judges in this land who have ruled not for truth or the constitution but ruled how they wanted and against justice. Many were paid to rule a certain way to save the ones the deep state wanted to be saved. They ruled against the innocent to silence them from exposing the truth.
A great judgment is coming to the justice system in this land, oh, United States. Whistleblowers are coming to expose the truth- the phone conversations, hidden emails, and hidden papers which show things that were done they wanted no one to see. Judges are falling. Judges are being judged along with lawyers who were paid to cause great injustice. Justice is coming for you, and all these scandals will be told. Many will fall and be imprisoned. It is time to free the innocent, saith the Lord.
Fox News: truth is coming for you for the lies you told and the narrative you tried to save. I will show the world who you really are and what has really gone on behind the scenes to come against My David and steal this Nation away from the people. Oh, you allow certain news (to be shown) for ratings. You think this will save you, but it won't. Judgment is coming, and it is coming faster than you think.
“Paris has fallen,” the news will say. The government will collapse, and the president will be removed. Great exposures are coming about Macron and who he really is. Judgment is coming for all who are against the truth.
A significant weather event will take place in Africa. “Unusual,” they will say. “Biblical,” others will say. I told you, My children, things are changing everywhere to show you that everything that can be shaken will be shaken for this great awakening.
My children, things are changing rapidly now. Things are moving quickly to bring in your freedoms. So, hold tight now for your victory. It is almost over, saith the Lord your Redeemer.