Date Word Received: May 8, 2024

Watch video - published May 9, 2024

My children, your enemies' planned sabotage, chaos, and protests on your college campuses are backfiring and not accomplishing what they desire. The fact that these were all planned, and who is paying for them to take place across the country, is being exposed.  

(These are the) days of Haman. These riots and uprisings will soon become a nightmare for the ones who designed them. I have told you many times, My children, your enemies are turning on one another, and nothing can stop the destruction, the division, or the confusion that is coming. Nothing will stop their annihilation because no one can stop Me, saith the Lord. 

More riots are on the horizon, and (they have been planned) for more than one reason. More unrest and chaos are intended for you, but it will turn on them. I said before that the people your establishment and leaders paid are now demanding more, but they are not getting what they want, so they are turning on the establishment that brought them here and funded this unrest. 

A major uprising will take place against Washington, DC and the ones "trying" to control this Nation. They will get more than they bargained for with this uprising. There are infiltrators in the midst of these riots and uprisings that keep popping up. They will show proof of the design and where the money is coming from. Your enemies will not fully realize what they have done to themselves until it is too late, and this will be their demise, saith the Lord. 

A death that was hidden, a death that was lied about, will soon come out. A whistleblower is coming to open a can of worms that no one saw coming. The establishment will have to answer for all the blood on their hands and what they are responsible for. My children, they are cheaters, liars, thieves, and also murderers, and this will come out for the world to see. 

A shake-up is about to take place with a court case against My David, which will shake the "the Biden" camp. They are all falling apart, and now they will start to expose how the White House and the DOJ had their hands in all of itand not only election interference. There is so much more than that, and I will prove it, saith the Lord of Hosts. 

Montgomery: this location will be in your news for a significant reason. 

A bell tower will be in your news for a shocking reason. 

Sandy Hook: this name and incident will be in the news for a shocking reason. There is more to this story that was hidden that will soon come out in the open. 

False flags, black swan events, distractions, and diversions will pick up for you, oh United States. The jackals, rats, and snakes in your capital are desperate to stop you and your freedoms, but it will all come crashing down before their eyes, saith the Lord. 

A trump card is about to be played, but, My children, there is more than one of those waiting in the wings for just the right time. Destruction and massive explosions will hit the enemies' camp, sending them on the run. 

The dominoes are about to fall—one person right after another. The fall of the establishment is near, closer than people realize. They will fall in a way no one will see coming

Boeing: there is much more to this company than the world knows. It is much deeper and darker than you know. I will show you what has taken place in this company and who is behind it. Shocking evidence will shake the airline industry as you know it. Sabotage has been taking place on a grand scale, and I will show you all who have been involved. 

A secret garden. Secrets in a garden that leaders never wanted to be exposed are about to be. 

The truth about Hamas and what they have done against My Nation of Israel is about to be exposed. Who sabotaged Israel's leadership and who funded it will shock you. Yes, the truth and the proof are coming. 

An attack on another nation is coming, bringing more destruction and distractions to cover up the coming collapse of the establishment that has been holding My Eagle. My children, prepare for battle. Prepare for the coming upsets, unrest, chaos, confusion, economic fall, food contamination, and shortages. These are their final steps, their final efforts against you. 

When the dust settles, when this is all over, remember who wins. You win because you are with Me, and I am Jehovah Nissi, your victory. 

Babylon—the fall of the empire, the fall of their nations, the fall of globalism, the fall of an establishment, and the fall of evil has begun, saith the Lord your Redeemer. 


After I received the Prophetic Word above, I heard these words: 

  • don't contend 

  • don’t pretend 

  • historic, unprecedented, biblical weather events 


